Riggio Valve Services technology enables safe and economical in-place safety relief valve testing during normal operations with no operational interruption. Yearly re-certification may be achieved without the need for valve removal provided specific prerequisites and qualifications meet code requirements. Test procedures, measurements and analysis facilitate:
• Performing in-place test while boiler is operating
• Determines the as-found set pressure
• Documents adjustments to the valve, if any
• Confirm Valve Set Pressure
• Confirms that three consecutive test results are within tolerance limits
• Generate a Test Report with Test Data
• Re-certify a valve previously certified by Riggio
Riggio is authorized by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The procedure is recognized by ASME and can be found in Interpretations I-83-31 and VIII –1-83-350. It is also covered in ASME Section I PG-72.2
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